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The Stress Institute®

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About the Stress Institute®

The Stress InstituteĀ® was created to promote health, mindful living and life balance. Passionate about providing information, education, programming, and solutions for mental, physical and spiritual well-being, The Stress Institute focuses on the collection and dissemination of information on the impact of stress on health, while providing stress reduction and mindfulness training.

Mindful Living Network®

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About Mindful Living Network®

The Mindful Living Network isĀ dedicated to inspiring each person to live mindfully in every facet of their life; mentally, physically, economically, spiritually, socially and environmentally. Compassion, kindness and reverent respect for all living things are all core tenants of Mindful LivingĀ®. Our mission is to gather people into a global community to share information and experiences, as well as support each other in all aspects of sustainability and Mindful Living.