Corporate Gallery

Being an expert in stress and Mindful Living led me to work with many Fortune 500 companies and government agencies. It was gratifying working for everything from McDonald's to Unilever in Paris. Each corporate contract took me around the world, was exciting, and gave me great insight into corporate America's inner workings and its employees.

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The Stress Institute®

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About the Stress Institute®

The Stress InstituteĀ® was created to promote health, mindful living and life balance. Passionate about providing information, education, programming, and solutions for mental, physical and spiritual well-being, The Stress Institute focuses on the collection and dissemination of information on the impact of stress on health, while providing stress reduction and mindfulness training.

Mindful Living Network®

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About Mindful Living Network®

The Mindful Living Network isĀ dedicated to inspiring each person to live mindfully in every facet of their life; mentally, physically, economically, spiritually, socially and environmentally. Compassion, kindness and reverent respect for all living things are all core tenants of Mindful LivingĀ®. Our mission is to gather people into a global community to share information and experiences, as well as support each other in all aspects of sustainability and Mindful Living.