Volunteering in Atlanta & Dekalb County Schools/Supporting At-Risk Youth Life

I have spent 35 years working with at-risk children, youth, and teachers in Dekalb County and Atlanta City Schools. It is such a joy to work with these young folks who struggle through immense challenges, such as poverty, single-parent families, lack of nutritious food, no money, and feeling hopeless. For example, I am a founding member of the Dukes Foundation and continue on the Advisory Board today. We work in South Atlanta High School with 30 boys each year. Most of our youth go on to college and have great hope for the future. We help by giving them tools to create meaningful lives.

The Stress Institute®

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About the Stress Institute®

The Stress InstituteĀ® was created to promote health, mindful living and life balance. Passionate about providing information, education, programming, and solutions for mental, physical and spiritual well-being, The Stress Institute focuses on the collection and dissemination of information on the impact of stress on health, while providing stress reduction and mindfulness training.

Mindful Living Network®

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About Mindful Living Network®

The Mindful Living Network isĀ dedicated to inspiring each person to live mindfully in every facet of their life; mentally, physically, economically, spiritually, socially and environmentally. Compassion, kindness and reverent respect for all living things are all core tenants of Mindful LivingĀ®. Our mission is to gather people into a global community to share information and experiences, as well as support each other in all aspects of sustainability and Mindful Living.